Thursday, November 8, 2012


A short and sweet one for ya today!

Here are some amazing foods and beverages that you can try your very best to incorporate into your day!

It can be a bit challenging if we don't normally eat these things on a daily basis: so it is a practice for sure. But put forth your best effort and give it a shot! See if you can brighten up your day and rejuvenate your energy patterns this week by adding a bit of food power back into your diet!

And here they are!

~A daily dose of Fresh Fruits
~A daily dose of Fresh Veggies
~Make water your primary beverage of choice
~A small handful of raw (or sprouted) nuts or seeds

These are four simple things: and very, very general! They can easily be expanded upon in any direction. So it is important to experiment with mixed varieties of everything in order to find the most suitable and balanced expression for you.

All that said, it is not that important to do everything on this little list. What is important is that you make the best effort possible to bring out the best in you!  Whatever effort you put forth, that is exactly what is to be yielded.

Have fun!

Make it a project: CLEAN FOOD week...

Need a cool blender and food processor?

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