If you have never made a trip to a local farmer's market in your area, this is a great weekend to pay a little visit! Farmer's markets are great place to buy all your fruits and vegetables that are currently in season; so depending on where you live, you will be able to buy what is grown locally ("local" meaning produce that sown and reaped somewhere within a 300 mile radius of where you live). Local produce is very healthy produce! And one of the reasons is that it doesn't have to travel far and wide in order to reach your kitchen table. So the produce is not susceptible to much impurities of the sort.
Also at farmer's markets, you are able to have a nice chat with farmer's and local growers about their produce and all that concerns your food: the health of the produce, the yield of the produce, the quality of the produce, or anything else that you may be curious about. These growers and farmers are very knowledgeable and very patient with all of your questions: so don't be shy! You can find everything from fresh maple syrup, to raw honey, to fresh lavender, to fresh apples and pears, leafy green and root vegetables, baby plants and flowers to cultivate at home, fresh chocolate, freshly made hot apple cider, and so much more! There are also so many exciting things for the kids to participate in as well: games, cooking classes (depending on the market), tours, and many other activities.
So shoot over to the farmer's market this weekend! And when you get there, maybe buy something! Support your local farmers and growers! They work so hard to get all that great produce to your city: and all for your enjoyment! Let us show them some abundant love and support this weekend by playing around in the market a bit. It's fun! It's new! And it's definitely a great way to expand and go outside of your comfort zone!
Have a great weekend!
...are you eating CLEAN FOOD....