When you walk into the markets, there are now these big sections dedicated to organic foods and products. Just about every type of produce can be bought organic nowadays; however every fruit does not need to be bought organic. You may think to ask yourself, 'Why?' If organic fruit is the best and most healthiest type of fruit, why would one not buy it organic?
Well here is the truth behind it all. Fruits that have a tougher skin do not necessarily need to be bought organic. The skin of these fruits are made strong by the Earth and the soil as a means to protect it from pests, germs and--believe it or not--all pesticides of the sort.
So, without further ado, here is the list:
--Dragon fruit
--Passion fruit
If your favourite fruits were not included on this list, it is probably safer (and healthier) to buy those particular fruits organic: especially at a place where you know the quality of the produce well.
Take the new information and run with it!
Have Fun!
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