And here is a nice and simple juice recipe for you. It is one of the most purifying and healthy mixes anyone can consume. It is a great purifier for the kidneys and liver. It is also good for strengthening digestion. And of course, there are tons upon tons of nutrients, enzymes, and minerals in this high powered cup of yummy goodness!
And here it is:
~ 1/2 Beet
~ 1 Carrot
~ 1/4 Ginger
That's it! Super easy, right?
If you can incorporate this beautiful beverage into the diet at least once a week, the body can experience all sorts of rejuvenation and healing. This drink has the potential to beautify your skin, hair and nails. It also has the potential to improve your ability to go the bathroom comfortably. And the best part of all, it returns energy to the body by revitalizing the immune system on all levels!
Life should be easy: and it is! But we have to put things in our body that allow us to better experience the beauties of the world. Without a healthy body, we can't have a healthy life!
Drink up!